What we do

Hearing Care Sevices

We offer a comprehensive hearing assessment at no charge to you.

We also offer hearing health checks which is a quick and simple hearing screen which may identify if you need a further, more in depth hearing assessment.

Signs you may need a hearing tests are: dull hearing, struggling to hear in background noise, feeling exhausted after a day in company or perhaps the television is loud but does not seem clear.
We offer the safest and most relaxing method of ear wax removal. Microsuction offers instant relief from wax blockage and does so in a safe and gentle way.

Do you think your hearing is affected by ear wax?

Do you have ringing in your ears and not had an ear wax check?

Let us get down to the root cause of this problem for you.

At Bonellie we only deal in the world’s finest hearing technology from the world’s best suppliers.

We also work with our suppliers and assess your needs individually, looking for whole solutions that will bring you back to brilliant hearing.

At our hearing aid centre you can be assured that you will be given independent advice based on your hearing test results and be offered the hearing aid that is most suitable to you at the best value.

Home Visits

We are here to serve you

We appreciate not all of our clients can visit our fixed locations therefore we offer a home visit service for all clients in either. We also offer home visits in Glasgow and surrounding areas.

Noise Protection


Prevention is better than the cure they say! Well that same principle applies to hearing loss; especially when we know there is no cure for hearing loss.

At Bonellie we offer custom moulded hearing protection that will protect your hearing whether at work or while pursuing your favourite past time.

Where applicable, our products will be CE marked offering reassurance to your employer.

Noise induced hearing loss is permanent and can be accompanied by tinnitus. Take care of your ears and don’t opt for second best when it comes to protecting them.

Book yourself for a custom moulded hearing protection consultation today. You will also get a free hearing test with any custom moulded hearing protection.